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Team National MLM Company

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“Save More, Earn More”

Team National (TN) is a Multi-Level Marketing industry of professional, scientific, and technical services, selling memberships to their savings club. Team National was founded in 1997 by Dick Loehr, headquartered in Florida, United States of America. Team National Inc. was incorporated in 1999, and it is currently run by Angela Loehr Chrysler (Dick Loehr’s daughter). Team National is no longer distributing their services and products under their direct selling channel, but they combined the business relationship with ACN (American Communications Network).

While associating with ACN and the 20 years in business expertise of Team National’s credibility, there are more opportunities to consider joining the business. Before we go into details, let me clarify about Multi-LevelMarketing shortly.




Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is also understood as Network Marketing. MLM is a product-based marketing program that sells the products through a network chain of representatives. MLM representatives recruit people and presumably give a percentage of commission as their income from the personal sales they make and commission from downline sales. “Downline” refers to a network of people that a member has recruited, or a group of people joined under their enrollment. As we have discussed MLM, let’s get right into the History of Team National.

Related: MLM Script




Team National initiated its relationship with ACN in January 2022. ACN is a Direct Selling Company that provides telecommunications, energy, and other essential services. ACN is excited to welcome all the Independent Marketing Directors (IMDs) of Team National to the ACN family as their Independent Business Owners (IBOs) to expand their business. This is an excellent opportunity for Team National’s members to join ACN and earn a decent income every month on the revenue billed by ACN.


Since the Team National membership has ended, ACN has made the ‘ACN Perks’ program available for the former members of team national. ACN Perks provides cashback for offline and online shopping, health & wellness care for members, home furnishing discounts, better pricing on home & automotive insurance, education loans for students, and much more. There are countless methods to make money from home, and Team National is a viable option. Team National Inc. has 65 branches across the globe and generates nearly 30 million USD in sales.




Multi-Level Marketing is a business with high earning potential. The pandemic provided new opportunities for MLM Companies. Team National’s possibilities are limitless. When a member recruits a new IBO (Independent Business Owner), the company will reward them with customer points. Everybody becomes salespeople who sell products and get other recruits to sell products. Members can earn from each product and each product sold by their downline. The downline represents income for the consultant, as they receive a percentage of their recruit’s sales.


If an MLM company have managed to get five people to switch to 2 degrees through their performance; three of them are on the $50/month plan, the fourth person got signed up for the $85/month plan, and the fifth person took the $130/month plan. That’s $380 a month, and it generates 15 customer points. When these customers pay their bills, a member receives $5 as a commission each month. An hourly rate equates to 9 cents/ hour, to put this into perspective.




Team National does not market retailable products and services themselves but instead sells what they refer to as a “Discount Membership”. This discount membership provides discounts on products and services in 20 different industries. Their product line includes Bodycare, Skincare, Eyecare, and Haircare products. Team National’s discount membership is sold in 2 options they are;


  • Business Membership: It costs $2195; this covers membership for the household, which includes parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren, and the business and five employees.
  • Standard Membership: The Membership costs $795 for two years and covers membership for a single household as mentioned in Business Membership.


Affiliates appear to be able to buy a selection of branded Team National products to qualify themselves for the Product Sale Bonus. However, as the Team National website provides no further information on their products, let’s check on the general services offered by TN.




In MLM Business, you can be your boss, which means you can personally own your business and work independently of any other person. Here, social media marketing, e-commerce and collaborations with other companies/ clients can help you get paid for promoting their products or services under TN’s brand name.



Team National has its private label brand of consumables such as nutritional, kids and automotive care products. They claim that the costs of their products are 50% lower than the average industry standards. Team National’s online business competitions are against the E-commerce giants like Amazon. Online shopping provides us with various opportunities. These businesses can occur either as Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C), or Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C).



While it’s great to receive discounts from big stores and popular retailers, small businesses offer a business exchange. Team National provides construction, home maintenance, real estate, personal care, automotive and more. However, the benefits won’t be the same for everyone. If you are considering getting a membership, for this reason, it would be worth doing some research to find out if local businesses in your area participate.




Compensation Plan is a package that includes the details of the employee salaries, bonuses, incentives, commissions, and benefits paid to employees. Team National’s compensation plan revolves around the sales of their discount memberships.

  1. Commission and Bonus: To qualify for commission and bonuses of the Team National compensation plan, a member must make at least two new membership sales per year other than membership renewals. Also, the cancellations of membership do not affect this quota.
  2. Membership Commissions: On the sale of either a Business or Standard Membership, Team National pay the following commission:


  • Business Membership – $50.
  • Standard Membership – $25.


If a member pays for their membership, the company reward them with either a $25 or $50 commission. Note that these commissions can be different, depending on each company’s plan.

  1. Residual Commissions: Team National’s Residual Commission is managed through a binary compensation structure. A Binary Compensation consists of two legs (left and right) under every distributor. In Team National, a point is awarded each time a discount membership package is sold. Points are calculated weekly, and when an affiliate has five matching points on their left and right binary sides, they get paid $500.


  1. Product Sale Bonus: It is similar to the discount of the membership binary points system. A products sale bonus is paid out according to the sales made by the member. A commission of $150 is paid out when the member earns 10 points while buying a product in a binary system. A $100 hosting bonus is also paid out to the first hosting qualified member in their ‘Upline’.


  1. Joining Bonus: To purchase a membership in Team National is $25 a year, taken out of a member’s first commission check. An additional expense of $99 a year or $9 a month is included for reporting. Members are also allowed to purchase a replicated storefront from Team National, through which the member can sell third-party products and services to earn extra commission.




Direct Selling Business requires unique skill-sets to succeed, and a person with good social skills always does better in MLM than others. Most people are comfortable and confident to introduce new people (especially their family and friends) to their business. In addition, these members should have enough patience and be ready to handle rejections.


However, if the person is considering joining a Direct Selling Business, Team National would be an excellent company. Members can overlook the fact that there are very few physical products. This is a huge benefit that allows you to skip the logistical headaches of a company and get straight to start building the organization.





The discount membership is hard to understand, and it would generally be a red flag to the industry. Due to the integration with ACN, Team National is no longer offering support, but all help will be available through the ACN website. Over the last few months, ACN and Team National were all over social media, discussing their business expansion. So, this is the most suitable time to join.

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