Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a business that is growing more and more popular every year regardless of the frown that it has been receiving because some people mistake it for the pyramid scheme which is a scam and totally different from MLM. MLM provides a lot of advantages to the users like work in your time. That is one of the reasons why it is getting so popular among the people. You get to start your own business with little to no capital and effort. It is, hence, a great source of passive income for those involved.
So, how is MLM different from pyramid schemes? In MLM structures, a person (also called distributor) sells products or services from a company that they trust. Distributors can get revenue either by direct selling of products or services to customers or by recruiting more distributors to the company. The newly recruited distributors constitute the ‘downline’ and the distributor who recruits them constitutes the ‘upline’. The upline distributors can also earn money when people recruited by them make sales or recruit more people under them who make some sales.
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In a pyramid scheme, distributors are supposed to pay a membership fee in order to participate in marketing and for recruiting new people. Pyramid schemes are illegal because people who operate pyramid schemes buy money from distributors with an intention to defraud them. MLM strategies do not ask you for a membership fee in any way and is operated in such a way that everyone involved gets his or her share of profit.
Now that we know all the basics of MLM and why it is actually a good way to make some money, let us discuss the state of this popular business strategy in the United Kingdom, one of the booming markets for MLM.
The basic question that comes to everyone’s mind is can common people make a considerable amount of money from MLM? The answer is yes, they can and that’s precisely what the MLM market in the UK tells us. The United Kingdom is a country where MLM is highly accepted and its services widely used. Men and women are equally involved in the business.
The people of this beautiful country are always on the lookout for good quality products which is what MLM companies supply. Also, the booming market in the UK has caused many MLM companies like Avon, to shift their bases here.
The UK is especially a thriving market for cosmetic and nutritional products, as well as home care appliances which are some of the most popular products offered by MLMs. All these factors contribute highly to the popularity of this business strategy in the UK. Most of the companies here have been around for a very long time and has made their names and captured the trusts of the people over time.
Hence, the country is full of opportunities, especially for inborn entrepreneurs who have always wanted to own a company but didn’t know where to start. Now that we know that the United Kingdom has a lot of untapped potentials, it is time to look at a few awesome MLM companies that are extremely successful in the country.
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Forever Living Products is a company which is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. It is extremely popular for its Aloe Vera and bee derivatives based products which are used widely in the UK. The company was founded in the year 1978 by Rex Maughan and has a strong foothold in the country. They are well known for their skincare, personal care and nutrition range of products.
Amway is basically a household name at this point and its origin dates back to 1959. Currently, the company makes over $8 billion in revenue and is one of, if not the most popular, MLM company in the world with a wide range of products in nutrition, cosmetics and skincare, wellness and home care products. Amway is based in Michigan, United States and operates in over 100 countries in the world. The company was founded by Richard DeVos and Jay Van Andel and sells a myriad of products in the United Kingdom.
Wikaniko is another United Kingdom based company which is quite new. It was founded in the year 2008 by Trever and Karen Blake and is all about a good cause, ‘going green’. The company offers a wide range of environment-friendly products which range from tea to personal care products to cleaning products. The main attraction is that everything is made from natural organic substances and is hence safe for everyone. Their probiotics are one of their popular products and are popular because of their moderate price.
Herbalife was launched in the year 1980 and is another one of the most popular MLM companies in the world. Their nutritional and weight-management products like their energy drinks, targeted nutrition products and fitness products, are used and appreciated widely for their effectiveness. They make over $213 million in revenue and is a trusted MLM company in the UK. Now, Herbalife operates in more than 90 countries in the world with over 80,000 employees providing access to personalised nutrition to millions of people everywhere.
Simply Naturals is also headquartered in Surrey, United Kingdom and is one of the newest companies dominating the UK market. It was founded in the year 2012 and is a supplementation company led by the CEO Peter Willoughby. The company’s mission is to educate people on the significance of plant-derived minerals for optimum health and they have already captured a large portion of the UK market.
Avon is quite an old company based in London, United Kingdom, which was launched in the year 1886 and has a revenue of over $5 billion. The company started out in New York City but was then shifted to London owing to the booming market in the United Kingdom. Founded by David H McConnell, the company is famous for its cosmetics and personal care products like deodorants, perfumes, makeup, lingerie, etc. In the UK, Avon now has a reach of one in three women with 6 million women seeing an Avon brochure every three weeks.