Plexus Worldwide is a Multi-Level Marketing organization based in Arizona, United States of America. The company manufactures and trades a wide variety of products designed to improve the overall health of its consumers.
Plexus Worldwide is popular for its weight-loss products and its health benefits. They expanded their public offerings and included more products for better Digestion and Skincare.
Plexus validate the effectiveness of its products through multiple testing. Plexus operates under the Direct Selling Business method, which means the products are primarily marketed and sold by dedicated brand representatives. Before we go into more details, let’s look at what is Multi-Level Marketing?
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Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) or Network Marketing refers to a marketing strategy used by many direct sales companies to market their products and services. Multi-Level Marketing is also known by the name ‘Network Marketing’. MLM products are sold and traded by dedicated MLM distributors. These distributors are then paid with a percentage commission for the sales made themselves and by their recruits. Eventually, recruits become a ‘Downline’ when they recruit more members below them, and they are encouraged to do the same.
However, there are legal and illegal operations in MLM businesses. If the income generation method of a company is only through recruiting members, it is an illegal system known as ‘Pyramid Schemes’. MLM is a legitimate business strategy if the primary revenue generation method is only through product sales. Unlike other traditional marketing and sales, MLM programs use a network of people for trading products and marketing their services.
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Plexus Worldwide Inc. was launched in 2006 by Alec Clark. Plexus offers products that support people’s lives and well-being. Plexus is well-known for its dietary supplement known as ‘Pink Drink’. Recently, the company introduced more innovative products like ‘Plexus Block’, designed to help the degradation of carbohydrates, and ‘Plexus Accelerator’, which claims to boost metabolism and burn fat. Plexus Worldwide is slightly different from most other MLM businesses because customers can purchase directly from the company website.
Plexus Worldwide calls itself ‘The Health & Happiness Company’, which offers high earning potential to its representatives. According to reports, an average Plexus representative made around 545 US dollars per month in 2019. In 2020, Plexus received an appreciation letter from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regarding their social influence and high-quality products that provide health support to the public.
With the combination of products and opportunities, Plexus helps many individuals to meet their health and wealth goals. Here’s a closer look at the Plexus Worldwide product line with the details of key ingredients and the nutrition facts of their popular products like Plexus Lean, Plexus Slim Hunger Control, Microbiome Activating, Plexus MetaBurn, and Plexus Block. Let’s get into more details about the products.
Plexus Lean provides protein and prebiotic fiber from guar gum, which enhances the growth of healthy bacteria in our stomach. Plexus Lean is created to use as a meal replacement for weight management. Research supports whey protein or other complete protein sources like chicken or meat to support muscle growth and benefits in body composition. Plexus Lean claims that these digestive enzymes will make it easier for you to digest the protein. Plexus Lean comes in both chocolate, vanilla flavors, with whey and vegan protein. Individuals with lactose intolerance or cystic fibrosis may benefit from these digestive enzymes.
Plexus Slim Hunger Control contains Polydextrose, a type of soluble fiber. Plexus Slim Hunger Control is designed to help people suppress appetite because of its polydextrose content. Polydextrose is a synthetic polymer of glucose made in laboratories, which is commonly used as a thickening agent in food products and used as a sweetener to improve the texture of foods. However, some research suggests that Polydextrose improves postprandial blood sugar levels after a meal but decreases overall calorie intake and improves bowel function. It comes in various flavors, and it is recommended to take it with water before a meal.
Microbiome Activating is a patented pink drink dietary supplement your body has been craving. It contains a prebiotic called Xylooligosaccharides (XOS). XOS is a clinically demonstrated prebiotic that feeds beneficial microbes. By nature, prebiotics can feed gut microbiota and helps in maintaining a healthy gut. Regular consumption of XOS (specifically in rice porridge) improves Microbiota balance. According to the company’s website, Microbiome Activating also uses Green Coffee Bean extract to decrease fasting blood glucose levels and insulin and triglyceride levels. Green Coffee Bean extract also helps support glucose metabolism. However, more extensive and more long-term studies confirm these effects.
Plexus MetaBurn is a multi-action blend that delivers a fat-burning metabolism, helps achieve weight management goals, and supports healthy energy and mood. The main ingredient found in Plexus MetaBurn is the Aframomum Melegueta (a West African plant also known as Grains of paradise) and Rhodiola. Aframomum melegueta has metabolism-enhancing benefits. And Rhodiola is an herb traditionally used as an adaptogen that has stress-relieving benefits. Individuals are encouraged to take these capsules twice a day. A study found that regular consumption of grains of paradise induces thermogenesis, increased energy expenditure, reduced body fat, and anti-inflammatory properties in healthy young bodies.
Plexus Block is marketed as a supplement that can lower the glycemic index of food to balance blood sugar levels after eating and reduce the absorption of carbohydrates. Plexus also claims that the brown seaweed blend help in the management of metabolic syndrome, as well as other diseases caused by aiding in blood sugar management. However, the intended benefits of Plexus Block include reduced sugar intake without blocking nutrients, regulated blood sugar control, and managed weight when combined with diet and exercise.
With thousands of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) around the globe, Plexus is one of the largest Direct-Selling Companies in the United States of America and one of the top 20 global companies, according to the Direct Selling News (DNS).
Plexus and Plexus Charities joined together to launch Nourish One. It is an initiative where they will donate the equivalent of one meal to ‘’Feeding America’’ for every Plexus Lean they sell. Feeding America is a substantial domestic hunger-relief organization in the United States. With the contributions from the Nourish One initiative, Feeding America promoted Plexus as a leadership partner. This level of recognition is awarded to partners who contribute more than 1 million USD, or a donation of 10 million pounds, or food and grocery products.
The consistent hard work of an employee deserves to be rewarded. The company will add more credits to the Plexus Perks dashboard whenever a subscription order runs. An employee can redeem their perks for free products, and they will be arriving with their next order. Not only through the Personal Healthcare regimen, but you will also earn Perk Credits through the Plexus Perks Reward Programs. The more Perk Credits you make, the more rewards you can enjoy.
For more than 22 years, Plexus has supported the FIRST Robotics Program across the United States. Their contributions go beyond financial donations as we partner with teams and compete in local events. The Plexus Worldwide team flourishes on the ability to mentor students in the program, guiding them on how to design, build and program a robot. FIRST Robotics competition is to design, schedule, and create a robot with a standard kit of parts and a common set of rules to play in a themed head-to-head challenge.
The USDA’s Household Food Insecurity in the USA shows that more than 38 million people, 11.5% of the American population, experienced hunger in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic worsened, with 42 million people, or 12.8% of the people, potentially affected by food insecurity. This crisis affects all communities, urban, suburban, and rural. Plexus Worldwide understood the effect of hunger in local communities and was determined to do something about it by contributing dollars to charities dedicated to this critical effort.
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Plexus Worldwide is a pioneering health and happiness organization featuring Healthcare & Wellness and Dietary Supplement products that enable consumers to improve their lifestyles and well-being. Plexus is a company that is also known for its weight loss products. However, due to a lot of research and testing, it’s clear that Plexus supplements are genuinely safe and effective. The company’s weight loss regimen is highly effective and doesn’t need many skills for building long-lasting and healthy habits.